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HomeMembership Benefits

Benefits of Membership 

Why Join?


Build connections with a diverse network of like-minded communicators in your own community.

- Connect with others who share a common purpose by participating in activities, committees, and more.
- Grow your professional network with AWC members through friendships, mentors, and referrals.
- Rely on AWC connections for the support you need in all your lifelong endeavors.

Actively engage in activities that enrich your professional experience and reward success. 

- Attend regular events for networking opportunities and interaction with like-minded individuals.

Prepare your career for the next opportunity.

- Gain insights on emerging industry issues via regularly distributed communications.

Empower other women by applying your newly-developed leadership skills to the benefit of AWC members.

- Volunteer to serve in a leadership capacity to set the direction for your community.
- Actively participate in local AWC activities.
- Become a mentor to new communicators.
- Serve on a committee to share your knowledge and skills.
- Join the board of directors to advance the mission of AWC